
Hungarian-English Culinary Dictionary
41 minutes read
Excerpted from Food Wine Budapest (Little Bookroom, 2008) by Carolyn Bánfalvi.
Copyright © 2008 Carolyn Bánfalvi. All Rights Reserved.
See the English-Hungarian Dictionary here.
abált szalonna: boiled bacon topped with a mixture of garlic, paprika, and salt; served cold
áfonya: blueberry/bilberry; also called fekete áfonya
ágyas pálinka: “bedded pálinka”: has fruit or herbs in the bottle
akácméz: acacia honey; called Black Locust in America
alkalmi sörkülönlegesség: seasonal beer
alkoholmentes: alcohol-free
alma: apple
almapaprika: pale yellow “apple peppers”, named for their round shape, and often pickled; they are usually hot
almás pite: “apple pie”: two layers of crust stuffed with an apple (and often walnut) filling, served in squares rather than wedges
amerikai kávé: American-style filter coffee
ananász: pineapple
angolna: eel
angolosan: rare
ánizs: anise, aniseed
apró: small
apróhús: bite-sized chunks of meat
aprópecsenye: small pieces of roasted or fried meat
aranygaluska: “golden dumplings”: yeast-raised buns, brushed with melted butter, flavored with apricot jam and ground walnuts, and sprinkled with vanilla sugar
Árkádia-kávé: espresso with cinnamon and honey, topped with whipped cream
árpa: barley
articsóka: artichoke
aranygaluska: a sweet yeast-raised cake formed in the shape of buns, often served with vanilla cream sauce
ásványi anyaggal dúsított víz: water with added minerals
ásványvíz: mineral water
aszalt gyümölcs: dried fruit
aszalt szilva: prune
Ászár-Neszmély: Hungarian wine region
ászok: lager
asztali bor: “table wine”: the lowest quality wine
avokádó: avocado
bab: bean
babapiskóta: lady fingers
babérlevél: bay leaf
babkávé: coffee bean
babgulyás: bean gulyás
Badacsony: Hungarian wine region
bácsi: “uncle”; also a polite way to refer to an older man
bajai halászlé: this version of halászlé has pasta added
bajor kenyér: Bavarian bread
bak: bock beer; a strong lager which originated in Munich, and can be dark, amber, or pale in color
bakonyi módra: meat served with mushrooms in sour-cream sauce
Balatonfüred-Csopak: Hungarian wine region
Balaton-felvidék: Hungarian wine region
Balatonmellék: Hungarian wine region
banán: banana
bár: bar; also kocsma (pub), söröző (beer hall), borozó (wine bar), kert or romkert (open-air bar)
barack: apricot; also sárgabarack or kajszibarack
bárány: lamb; also called bárányhús
báránycomb: leg of lamb
barna rizs: brown rice
barna sör: dark German-style beer
baromfi: poultry; also called szárnyas
bazsalikom: basil
besamelmártás: béchamel sauce
bécsi szelet: Wienerschnitzel; traditionally breaded and fried veal cutlet, but in Hungary often made with pork
befőtt: canned fruit
bejgli: long roulade cakes stuffed with walnuts or poppy seeds; called pozsonyi kifli when shaped like small crescents
békacomb: frog legs
belsőség: variety meats/offal
bélszín: beef tenderloin or filet
bevert: poached
bikavér: Bull’s Blood cuvée
birkagulyás: gulyás made from mutton
birka: mutton; also called juh or birkahús (ürü and berbécs are old, lesser-used words)
birs: quince; often called birsalma when shaped like an apple or birskörte when shaped like a pear
birsalmasajt: a paste-like block of quince jelly
birtok: estate (as in “wine estate”)
bivaly: buffalo
bodza: elderberry
bodzavirág: elderflower
bogrács: cauldron
bográcsgulyás: gulyás cooked in a cauldron
bor: wine
borász: winemaker
borászat: winery
borda: cutlet, chop
borecet: wine vinegar
borhab: sabayon
borjú: veal; also called borjúhús
borjúborda: veal cutlet
borjúláb: foot (veal)
borjúmirigy: veal sweetbreads
borkereskedő: wine merchant
borkorcsolya: snacks to eat with wine
borkóstoló: wine tasting
borlap: wine list
borleves: wine soup
boróka: juniper
(boros) pohár: (wine) glass
borozó: wine bar
borpárlat: a drink made from distilled wine; essentially brandy
borravaló: tip
bors: black pepper; also fekete bors
borsikafű: savory, an herb related to the mint family; also called csombor
borsó: peas
borvidék: wine region
brassói aprópecsenye: cubes of sautéed pork and deep-fried potatoes seasoned with paprika, garlic, and marjoram
briós: brioche
bryndza: sheep-milk cheese made throughout Eastern Europe, similar to juhtúró, the Hungarian sheep-milk cheese; bryndza sold in Hungary is usually Slovakian
buborékos: carbonated water
budai zöld: indigenous white grape variety
Budapest bélszín: Steak with sauce made with chopped peppers, peas, tomatoes, mushrooms, and chunks of goose liver
büfé: snack counter
Bükkalja: Hungarian wine region
burgonya: potato; also called krumpli
burgonyafánk: potato croquette; also called burgonyakrokett
burgonyakrokett: potato croquette; also called burgonyafánk
busa: silver carp
búza: wheat
búzasör: wheat beer
búzakenyér: wholewheat bread
cékla: beetroot
cérnametélt: thin, delicate pasta; commonly added to soups
chilipaprika: chili pepper
cigánymeggy: the collective name for any type of small cherries
cigánypecsenye: “gypsy roast” is a pork cutlet sprinkled with paprika and topped with raw crushed garlic and a chunk of roasted szalonna
cirfandli: acclimatized white grape variety
citrancs: grapefruit; also called grépfrút
citrom: lemon
cl: centiliter, the metric unit of measurement used for liquor, also used for measuring tasting portions of wine; equivalent to about one third of an ounce
classicus: second highest category in the Villány appellation
comb: leg cuts of meat
cordon bleu: breaded and fried chicken breast that has been stuffed with ham and cheese; didn’t originate in Hungary but is widely served here
csabai kolbász: named for the town of Békescsaba, these are firm, dried, smoked, pork sausages seasoned with hot and sweet paprika, and a little garlic
Csáky-rostélyos: created in the honor of Sándor Csáki, a famous 20th-century chef, this dish is a sirloin steak cooked with lecsó, eggs, and sour cream
családi: family
csalamádé: mixed pickled vegetables, most often cabbage, peppers, carrots, and onions
csapolt: on tap
csapolt sör: draft beer
csapvíz: tap water
csárda: restaurant; traditionally a folksy roadside inn
csarnok: (market) hall; see also ivócsarnok
császármorzsa: “emperor’s crumbs”: generally a homemade cake-like dessert broken up into crumbs, flavored with raisins and served with jam
császárszalonna: boneless, meaty back bacon slab that can be fried or boiled
csemege: small grocery store, also can be called élelmiszer or ABC; also means delicacy
csemegepaprika: “gourmet” paprika; slightly coarse and can be hot or mild
csemegeuborka: pickle
cseresznye: cherry
cseresznyepaprika: cherry pepper or chili pepper (sometimes called Hungarian cherry pepper abroad); they’re small, round, and usually very hot
cserszegi fűszeres: a white hybrid grape variety
csészében: in a cup
csicseriborsó: garbanzo bean/chickpea
csicsóka: Jerusalem artichoke
csiga: snail; also refers to a round pastry with a swirl of poppy seeds or walnuts
csigatészta: tiny pieces of pasta, curled with a stick into the shape of snails
csiperke: mushrooms from the champignon family, like button mushroom and white mushroom
csipetke: tiny pinched pasta made from flour and eggs
csipkebogyó: rosehip
csípős: hot (as in spicy)
csípős kolbász: hot sausage seasoned with hot paprika
csíra: sprouts
csirke: chicken
csirkecomb: chicken leg
csokoládé: chocolate
csombor: savory, an herb related to the mint family; also called borsikafű
csomó: bunch
Csongrád: Hungarian wine region
csont: bone
csontleves: “bone soup”; broth made from bones and root vegetables, can also be used as stock
csontvelő: bone marrow; also called velő or velős csont
csúcsbor: top wine; this designation is given annually by the Pannon Bormíves Céh (Guild of Pannonian Wines) at the Pannon Bormustra competition, Hungary’s most prestigious. Five Bikavérs, 20 dry whites, 10 sweet whites, and 25 dry reds receive the designation and their bottles are then stamped with the gold Pannon Bormustra seal
csuka: pike
csülök: knuckle
csülök pékné módra: pork knuckle cooked “baker’s-wife” style, roasted with chunks of potatoes and onions
csúsztatott palacsinta: “slipped pancakes”; a dessert made from layers of palacsinta alternated with jam or chocolate and topped with meringue
cukkini: zucchini/courgette
cukor: sugar
cukorborsó: sugar pea/sugarsnap pea
cukordinnye: honeydew melon or cantaloupe; also called mézdinnye
cukorka: candy
cukormentes: sugar-free
cukorrépa: sugar beet
cukrász: confectioner
cukrászda: pastry shop
cukros: sweetened
cuvée: blend
dara: semolina/grits; also called gríz
darab: piece
daragaluska: semolina dumplings
darált: ground
darált hús: ground meat
datolya: date
derelye: stuffed pasta similar to ravioli, often filled with jam, curd cheese, or meat
desszert: dessert
DHC Villány: Districtus Hungaricus Controllatus, Villány’s appellation system
dinnye: melon
dió: walnut or nut
diós bejgli: walnut roulade cake
diós kenyér: walnut bread
diós kifli: walnut-filled crescent rolls
diótorta: walnut cake
disznóhús: pork meat
disznósajt: head cheese/brawn
disznótor: pig killing
disznótoros: pork charcuterie; “pig killing” platter is a wooden platter piled with pork sausages, bacon, and other types of pork
dl: deciliter, the metric measurement used for measuring wine and other beverages; equivalent to 3.4 ounces or 100 ml
dobostorta: layered vanilla sponge cake smothered with chocolate butter cream, and topped with thin wedges of caramel-glazed cake
dödölle: fried potato dumplings
dohányzó: smoking section
dorozsmai módra: carp larded with smoked bacon cooked in sauce made from sautéed onions, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, paprika, and sour cream; served with irregularly shaped flat pasta
dugó: cork
dugóhúzó: corkscrew
dűlő: ridge
dunai halászlé: fisherman’s soup in which the ingredients aren’t puréed
dupla: double
dupla kávé: double espresso
dzsem: jam; also called lekvár or íz
ecet: vinegar
ecetes: pickled
ecetes paprika: pickled green pepper
édes: sweet
Édes Anna: mild paprika paste
édeskömény: fennel
édesnemes paprika: “noble” paprika: mainly used to flavor stews and meats
édesség: dessert
Eger: Hungarian wine region
egész: whole
egres: gooseberry
élelmiszer: small grocery store, also can be called csemege or ABC
élesztő: yeast
előételek: appetizers
ementáli sajt: Emmenthal cheese
endívia: endive
eper: strawberry
eperlevél: square-shaped pasta with ribbed edges
erdei: wild; also vad
erdei meggy: wild cherry
erdei vadmálna: wild raspberry
erdélyi szalonna: bacon slab cut from the belly, with a thin layer of meat
érett: ripe
erőleves: “strong soup”; consommé usually served with quail eggs or matzo balls
erős: hot (as in spicy)
Erős Pista: hot paprika paste; usually added to soups
Esterházy-rostélyos: named for Prince Pál Antal Eszterházy, who was known as an extravagant gourmet, this steak is served with a puréed sauce made from carrots, parsnips, white wine, cream, and capers
Esterházy-torta: layers of walnut cake, spread with layers of whipped cream, and topped with a thin layer of fondant
eszpresszó: espresso coffee; also refers to an informal place to drink coffee
étcsokoládé: dark chocolate
ételbár: snack bar
étkezde: simple restaurant, usually open only for lunch; also called kifőzde
étlap: menu
étterem: restaurant
Etyek-Buda: Hungarian wine region
évjárat: vintage
ezerjó: indigenous white grape variety
fácán: pheasant
facéliaméz: phacelia honey
fagylalt: ice cream
fahéj: cinnamon
fajbor: varietal wine
falatok: bites, snacks
fánk: doughnut
farok: tail
farsang: carnival
farsangi fánk: carnival doughnuts
fartő: rump
fatányér: “wooden plate” with a mix of grilled and fried meats; could also be called erdélyi fatányéros (Transylvanian mixed grill)
fehér: white
fehérbor: white wine
fehér bors: white pepper
fehér csokoládé: white chocolate
fehér eper: mulberry
fehér kenyér: white bread
fehér répa: turnip
fejes saláta: lettuce
fekete áfonya: blueberry/bilberry
fekete cseresznye: black cherry
fekete erdő torta: “Black Forest cake/gateau”; chocolate layer cake with sour cherries, whipped cream, and chocolate shavings
fekete gyökér: black or Spanish salsify
fekete retek: black radish
fekete ribizli: blackcurrant
fekete tőkehal: black cod
félbarna kenyér: bread made with half white and half rye flour
félbarna sör: semi-dark beer
félédes: semi-sweet (in terms of wine); mild (in terms of paprika)
felfújt: soufflé
félszáraz: semi-dry
fiatal: young
filé: boneless fillet
finom: delicious; fincsi is the informal form
finomliszt: all-purpose/plain flour
flekken: barbecued meat, usually pork
flódni: traditional Jewish dessert, three layers of pastry filled with ground walnuts, poppy seeds, and apples
fokhagyma: garlic
fokhagymás szalonna: bacon flavored with garlic
fogas: pike perch from Lake Balaton and its tributaries; from the Sander lucioperca family; also sometimes called zander (the German name); young pike perch is called süllő or fogas süllő
fogoly: partridge
földimogyoró: peanut; also amerikai mogyoró
foltos tőkehal: haddock
folyóbor: literally means “running wine”, but refers to house wine
forralt bor: mulled wine
fordítás: this wine from Tokaj, which literally means “turning over”, is made by macerating the residue left after pressing the first aszú berries and then soaking it in fresh must; it can be as sweet as a three, four, or five puttonyos aszú
forró csokoládé: hot chocolate
főtt: boiled
főtt marhahús: boiled beef, usually served with horseradish
főtt sonka: boiled ham, usually served with horseradish; a traditional Easter dish
főtt szalonna: boiled bacon
főzelék: boiled vegetables mixed with sour cream and roux, eaten as a main course
franciakrémes: two crisp layers of puff pastry filled with a thick layer of cream and topped with a thin layer of coffee-flavored icing
franciasaláta: “French salad” (commonly referred to as “Russian salad” elsewhere)
friss: fresh
friss kolbász: sausage containing only meat and seasonings, no innards or fillers
frissensültek: prepared-to-order dishes
fröccs: wine spritzer; a mix of wine and soda water
füge: fig
fül: ear
fürj: quail
fürjtojás: quail egg
furmint: indigenous white grape variety
füstölt: smoked
füstölt sajt: smoked cheese
füstölt szalonna: smoked bacon
fűszer: spice
fűszernövény: herb
fűszerpaprika: paprika powder
galamb: pigeon
galuska: flour dumplings eaten with stew (better known as spaetzle); also called nokedli
galuskaszaggató: a tool for making galuska
Gerbeaud szelet: invented by Swiss pastry chef Emile Gerbeaud, this cake (sliced into rectangles) is cake layers alternated with apricot jam and ground walnuts and topped with chocolate glaze; sometimes spelled zserbószelet
gerinc: saddle
gesztenye: chestnut
gesztenyeméz: chestnut honey
gesztenyepüré: sweet chestnut purée, served with whipped cream
gesztenyetorta: “chestnut cake”; cake layers alternated with chestnut purée
göcseji csemegesajt: a semi-firm, smooth cow’s milk cheese
gomba: mushroom
gombafej: mushroom head
gombavizsgálat: mushroom examiner
gombóc: dumpling; can be sweet (see túrógombóc) or savory
gomolya: a traditional type of cheese—made from either cow or sheep milk—which is firm, round, and dotted with small holes
görögdinnye: watermelon
gőzölt: steamed
gránátoskocka: potatoes and pasta seasoned with paprika
grépfrút: grapefruit; also called citrancs
grillázs: caramel
grillezett: grilled
gríz: semolina/grits; also called dara
gulyás: goulash, also called gulyásleves (goulash soup); originally the word gulyás referred to a shepherd
Gundel-palacsinta: walnut-stuffed pancakes topped with chocolate sauce
gyökér: root
gyömbér: ginger
gyöngyöző bor: lightly sparkling or frizzante wine
gyöngytyúk: guinea fowl
gyorsbüfé: fast-food joint
gyorsétterem: fast-food restaurant
gyros: gyro/döner kebab
gyulai kolbász: firm, medium-spicy sausage made from pork and bacon, stuffed into a natural casing, and smoked; has a distinctive paprika and garlic taste
gyümölcs: fruit
gyümölcskenyér: fruit cake
gyümölcsleves: fruit soup, served chilled
hab: foam
habtejszín: whipped cream
hagyma: onion
hagymás rostélyos: a thin sautéed steak topped with onions that have been dredged in flour and deep-fried; served with mustard
Hajós-Baja: Hungarian wine region
hal: fish
halászlé: fisherman’s soup; heavily seasoned with paprika and prepared differently in different regions
harcsa: scale-less fresh water catfish; also called European catfish, sheatfish, wels, or wels catfish (Silurus glanis)
harcsa halászlé: catfish fisherman’s soup
harcsapörkölt: catfish stew
hárslevelű: indigenous white grape variety
hársméz: lime-blossom honey; also called linden or basswood
hasaalja: pork belly
hasábburgonya: fried potatoes; also called sült burgonya
házhoz szállítás: home delivery
házi: homemade
házi szalonna: homemade bacon
hektár: hectare, a unit of measurement that equals 10,000 square meters, 2.47 acres, or 107,639 square feet
hédervári szalonna: a type of császárszalonna; usually smoked and spiced
hegy: hill or mountain
hentes: butcher
hentesáru: meats; refers to a butcher shop
hentes módra: “butcher’s style” signifies meat that’s cooked with sausage or bacon
here: testicles
hering: herring
heti ajánlat: weekly specials; heti ajánlatunk is “our weekly specials”
hideg: cold
hideg gyümölcsleves: cold fruit soup
hidegtál: cold plate, an assortment of sliced meats, cheeses, peppers, and tomatoes
homár: lobster
hordó: barrel
hortobágyi palacsinta: meat-stuffed pancake with paprika sour-cream sauce
hosszú kávé: “long coffee”: espresso with hot water added
hurka: sausage, made of blood or liver (black or white pudding)
hús: meat
hús-hentesáru: butcher shop
húsleves: “meat soup”, a consommé made by slowly simmering beef, bones, and vegetables
húsvét: Easter
hűtött: chilled
ilmici: a semi-soft óvár-style cheese, holey with a moist orange rind
indiáner: chocolate-covered pastry filled with whipped cream
ínyenc: gourmet
ír kávé: Irish cofee
író: buttermilk
Irsai Olivér: white hybrid grape variety
ischler: chocolate-glazed cookie filled with jam
itallap: drink menu
ivócsarnok: “drinking hall” where spring water is sold by the glass or by the liter
ivóvíz: drinking water
íz: jam; also means flavor
jégbor: ice wine
jéges kávé: iced coffee
jégkocka: ice cube
jégretek: white radish/daikon
jérce: pullet
jóasszony módra: meat prepared in the style of the “good wife”: braised and served with a mixture of bacon, potatoes, and mushrooms
joghurt: yogurt
Jókai-bableves: named for writer Mór Jókai; a hearty soup made with fresh or dried shell beans, smoked pork knuckle, vegetables, csipetke, and flavored with vinegar and sour cream
jól átsütve: well done
juharszirup: maple syrup
juhfark: indigenous white grape variety
juhsajt: sheep-milk cheese
juhtúró: sheep-milk curd cheese
juhtúrós galuska: dumplings with sheep cheese
kacsa: duck
kacsamáj: foie gras (fattened duck liver)
kacsasült: roasted duck, typically served with red cabbage and potatoes
kadarka: acclimatized red grape variety
kagyló: mussel
kajszibarack: apricot; also called sárgabarack or barack
kakaó: cocoa
kakas: rooster
kakukkfű: thyme
kalács: challah bread
kannás bor: bulk wine; wine that hasn’t been bottled and is sold by the liter
kapor: dill
káposzta: cabbage
káposztás kocka: pasta with shredded cabbage sautéed in a bit of bacon fat
káposztás pogácsa: pogácsa flavored with cabbage
kappan: capon
kapribogyó: caper
kapros: seasoned with dill
kapros túrós lepény: curd cheese flavored with dill and very little sugar, sandwiched between two layers of short crust
karácsony: Christmas
karaj: short loin, chops (lamb)
karalábé: kohlrabi
karamell: caramel
karaván: a processed smoked cheese
kardamon: cardamom
kardinálisszelet: sponge cake and a thick layer of meringue, with jam or fruit sometimes sandwiched between
karfiol: cauliflower
kaszinótojás: devilled eggs
katona: bite (of something)
kávé: coffee; refers to espresso
kávéház: coffee house or café
kávézó: an inexpensive place to drink coffee
kaviár: caviar
kecsege: sterlet; related to the sturgeon, and found in the Danube and Tisza rivers
kecske: goat
kecskesajt: goat cheese
Kedvessy-bélszín: created by 19th-century chef Nándor Kedvessy, this dish consists of a piece of butter-fried bread topped with sautéed mushrooms, a piece of steak, and a slice of goose liver, served with a sauce made from onions, paprika, tomatoes, peppers, cream, and dill
kefir: kefir; a fermented milk drink that originated in the Caucasus. Most commercially made kefir is like a more sour, thinner version of yogurt
kékfrankos: acclimatized red grape variety; known as blaufränkisch or lemberger in other countries
kéknyelű: indigenous white grape variety, primarily grown in Badacsony
kékoportó: the traditional name for the acclimatized red grape variety now called portugieser (also known as blauer portugieser)
keksz: biscuit, pastry
kék tőkehal: blue whiting
kel: kale; also marhakáposzta
kelbimbó: Brussels sprouts
kelkáposzta: Savoy cabbage
kemence: traditional brick or earthenware oven; kemencés means cooked in the oven
kemény tojás: hard-boiled egg
kenyér: bread
kenyérszalonna: thin slab of smoked bacon, similar to fatback, which is almost purely fat
képviselőfánk: choux puffs filled with vanilla cream and whipped cream
kert: open-air bar; also called romkert
kerti csiperke: horse mushroom
keserű: bitter
késői szüretelésű: late-harvested
keszeg: rudd, a small boney fish
készételek: ready-made dishes
kifli: typical crescent-shaped bread roll
kifőzde: simple restaurant, usually open only for lunch; also called étkezde
kígyóuborka: long, smooth-skinned cucumber
kimért bor: “measured wine”; wine by the glass
kínai kel: the type of cabbage with long pale green leaves known as Chinese leaves, Napa cabbage, or Peking cabbage
királyleányka: indigenous white grape variety
kisburgundi: the rarely used Hungarian name for pinot noir
kisüsti: small batch pálinka made with the traditional double-batch distillation method
kisvendéglő: “small restaurant”
kivi: kiwi
kockatészta: small square-shaped pasta
kocsma: pub
kocsonya: pork jelly with a mix of pig parts like feet, ears, and snouts, and extras like hard-boiled eggs, set into aspic made from rich meat consommé that congeals when chilled
koffeinmentes: decaffeinated
kökény: sloe (a small, wild European fruit that comes from the blackthorn)
kókuszdió: coconut
kókusztej: coconut milk
kolbász: sausage, either fresh or dried
kolozsvári káposzta: a dish consisting of layers of sauerkraut, rice, sausage, bacon, and sour cream, baked and served with fried pork chops; also called rakott káposzta
kolozsvári szalonna: slightly smoked slab bacon with some bones
kömény: caraway
köménymag: caraway seed
konzerv: canned food
köret: garnish; usually potatoes or rice
korhely halászlé: “hangover fish soup”, flavored with lemon juice and sour cream
korhelyleves: “hangover soup”, made from sauerkraut, smoked sausage, paprika, and sour cream
koriander: cilantro/coriander
köröm: hock/trotter
körözött: curd cheese spread seasoned with paprika, garlic, onions, salt, and caraway seeds; known as Liptauer in some countries
korpa: bran
korpás kenyér: bread made with graham/wholewheat flour, wheat bran, and oat bran
korsó: 500 ml (16.9 ounces) mug of beer
körte: pear
kóser: kosher
kovászos uborka: cucumbers preserved by the process of lactic acid fermentation
kövérszőlő: indigenous white grape variety
kövidinka: indigenous white grape variety
közepesen átsütve: medium
krém: cream (the filling for pastries)
krémes: similar to the franciakrémes, minus the whipped cream, and a dusting of confectioner’s/icing sugar replaces the coffee icing
krémsajt: cream cheese
krokett: croquette
krumpli: potato (also called burgonya); krumpli is also a dessert of marzipan balls dusted with cocoa
krumplipüré: mashed potatoes
krumplis kenyér: bread made with a small amount of potato added to the dough
krumplis pogácsa: pogácsa made with potato dough
kucsmagomba: morel mushroom
Kugler csokoládés máktortája: dense, flourless two layer chocolate and poppy seed cake with a thin layer of jam in the middle and chocolate glaze on top
kuglóf: coffee cake baked in a Bundt/Gugelhupf pan
kukorica: corn
kukoricás kenyér: bread made with wheat flour and a small amount of corn flour
különleges minőségű bor: finest quality wine
különleges paprika: the most finely ground paprika; can be sweet or mild
különlegességek: specialties
Kunság: Hungarian wine region
kurkuma: turmeric
kürtőskalács: this dessert (which originated in Transylvania) is a long thin strip of dough wrapped around a metal spit, glazed with sugar, and rotated until it’s cooked and the glaze has caramelized
küvé: cuvée/blend
lajta: a semi-soft óvár-style cheese, holey with a moist orange rind
lángolt kolbász: a collective name for dried kolbász that has been smoked a certain way
lángos: a fried piece of dough (often with potatoes added), commonly topped with sour cream and grated cheese
laskagomba: oyster mushroom
lazac: salmon
lé: juice, or broth
leányka: indigenous white grape variety
lebbencs: irregularly shaped flat pasta
lecsó: tomato and pepper stew cooked in a small amount of lard
lecsópaprika: green peppers for making lecsó, which are beaten up or not fresh enough for eating raw
lekvár: jam, also called dzsem or íz
lencse: lentil
lepény: tart or pie
lépesméz: honeycomb
lestyán: lovage
leveles tészta: puff pastry
levendula: lavender
leves: soup
liba: goose; also called lúd
libamáj: foie gras (fattened goose liver)
libasült: roasted goose; typically served with red cabbage and potatoes
likőr: liqueur
lila hagyma: red onion
linzertorta: a crust made from ground almonds, grated lemon rind, and butter, topped with jam and a lattice crust
liszt: flour
lucerna: alfalfa
lúd: goose
lúdlábtorta: lúdláb means “goose leg”, and when this cake is made at home it is often cut into tiny triangles resembling goose feet; the thin chocolate sponge cake is topped with chocolate mousse, brandy-soaked cherries, and chocolate glaze
macesz: matzo; also called pászka
madársaláta: mâche/lamb’s lettuce
madártej: floating islands; cold dessert consisting of an egg custard topped with chunks of meringue
mag: seed
magos kenyér: bread with added seeds
magyarosan: “Hungarian”-style meat: served with a tomato, pepper, and onion sauce spiced with paprika
máj: liver
májas hurka: sausage that contains liver, as well as some innards and fillers
májgombóc: liver dumpling, often added to húsleves
majonéz: mayonnaise
majoránna: marjoram
mák: poppy-seed
mákos bejgli: poppy-seed roulade cake
mákos guba: poppy-seed bread pudding
mákos kifli: poppy-seed-filled crescent rolls
mákos tészta: pasta mixed with poppy-seeds, powdered sugar, and melted butter
makréla: mackerel
malac: suckling pig
maláta: malt
málna: raspberry
mandula: almond
Mangalica: an indigenous Hungarian pig, prized for its tasty meat
mángold: Swiss chard
marcipán: marzipan (sweetened almond paste)
margarin: margarine
marha: beef
marhanyelv: ox tongue
marhasült: roast beef
Mária Terézia-kávé: espresso with orange liqueur and whipped cream
mártás: sauce
márványsajt: “marble cheese”: blue cheese
máslás: “copy”; a type of Tokaj wine made by pouring must on the aszú and fermenting it again
Mátra: Hungarian wine region
mátrai borzaska: breaded pork cutlet topped with sour cream, cheese, and garlic
mazsola: raisin
Mecsekalja: Hungarian wine region
medvehagyma: these green leaves have many names in English— ramson, ramp, wood garlic or bear’s garlic—and are sold in bio stores in the spring; best used in salads, soups, and sandwiches
meggy: sour cherry
meggyes piskóta: thick, fluffy sponge cake baked with a layer of cherries on the bottom and dusted with powdered sugar
mélange: half espresso and half steamed milk
melasz: molasses
meleg: hot or warm
mell: breast
menta: mint
metélőhagyma: chives, also called snidling
metélt: long, thin strips of pasta
méz: honey
mézdinnye: honeydew melon or cantaloupe—they go by the same name; also called cukordinnye
mézes: honey-flavored
mézeskalács: honey bread (similar to ginger bread)
mignon: petit four
minőségi bor: “quality wine”
módra: style
mogyoró: hazelnut
mogyorótorta: hazelnut cake
Mór: Hungarian wine region; also the name of a city in western Hungary
muskotály: the Hungarian name for the muscat ottonel grape
mustár: mustard
must: (grape) must
muzeális: wine that’s at least five years old
müzli: muesli/cereal
nádcukor: raw sugar
nagy tonhal: bluefin tuna
napi ajánlat: daily specials; napi ajánlatunk is “our daily specials”
napi étlap: daily menu
napraforgóméz: sunflower honey
napraforgóolaj: sunflower oil
narancs: orange
naspolya: medlar
natúr: plain; in terms of meat it refers to meat simply dredged in flour and fried
nélkül: without
néni: “aunt”; also a polite term used to refer to an older woman
nyak: neck
nyárs: skewer
nyelv: tongue
nyers: raw
nyers tej: raw (unpasteurized) milk
nyúl: rabbit
öko: organic
ökör: ox
olaj: oil
olajbogyó: olive oil; also called olívaolaj
olaszrizling: the most widely planted grape in Hungary; also called Welschriesling or Italian riesling
oldalas: ribs
olajbogyó: olive; also called olíva
olajbogyós kenyér: bread with olives
omlett: omelet
orda: whey cheese; similar to ricotta
ördöghal: monkfish
oregánó: oregano
orjaleves: soup traditionally made on pig-butchering day with the pig’s backbone
Orly: the cooking method of frying fish in beer batter
őrölt: ground
orosz krémtorta: “Russian cream cake”; a light sponge cage topped with a thick layer of creamy filling flavored with rum and candied fruits and raisins, and topped with whipped cream
őszibarack: peach
osztriga: oyster
óvári: a mild, medium-firm cheese with dense irregular holes
őz: venison/roe deer
őzgerinc: saddle of venison
őzlábgomba: parasol mushroom
pacal: tripe
pácolt: marinated
padlizsán: eggplant/aubergine
pagodakarfiol: Romanesco broccoli
palackozott bor: bottled wine
palackozta: bottled by
palacsinta: thin pancakes
pálinka: brandy distilled from fruit with no added sugar or alcohol
pálinkafőzde: pálinka distillery
pálmalevél: palmier
palócleves: soup made with lamb and green beans, and finished with sour cream
pálpusztai: soft ripened, pungent cheese with an orange-colored rind and a creamy interior; similar to Limburger
Pannonhalma-Sokoróalja: Hungarian wine region
Pannónia: similar to Swiss Emmental and Gruyère; a semi-hard cow’s milk cheese matured for six to eight weeks
panzió: small family-run guest house
paprika: either the red spice powder or any fresh or dried pepper. The most common fresh pepper is long, pale green, and sweet (called the Hungarian wax pepper or banana pepper abroad). It’s also called tölteni való paprika, or TV paprika for short (“pepper for stuffing”).
paprikás: meat, stew, or vegetables slowly braised in paprika sauce, thickened with sour cream
paradicsom: tomato
paraj: spinach; more commonly called spenota
párizsi borjúszelet: veal scallops dredged in flour and eggs, and fried
párlat: any kind of distilled drink
párna: “pillow”; a filled pastry
párolt: steamed or braised
parasztsonka: dried “peasant sausage”
parfé: parfait
pászka: matzo; also called macesz
pástétom: pâte
patisszon: pattypan squash (or custard marrow or summer crookneck
pék: baker
pékmester: baker
pékség: bakery
péksütemény: baked goods
perec: pretzel
Pethes-leves: a lesser-known soup, which is húsleves served with a piece of meat topped with bone marrow
petrezselyem: parsley; flat-leaf (or Italian) parsley is the most common in Hungary
petrezselyemgyökér: parsley root (also called Hamburg parsley or parsnip-rooted parsley); common in Central Europe, but slightly different than the parsnip
pezsgő: sparkling wine
piac: market
Pick szalámi: a company founded in 1869 in Szeged that still makes téliszalámi from the original secret recipe
pikáns: flavorful
pikoló: 200 ml (6.7 ounces) glass of beer
pilzeni: pilsner; also called pils
pince: cellar
pincepörkölt: pörkölt cooked in red wine
pincesor: cellar row
pirítós: toast
pirított: sautéed
piros: red
Piros Arany: mild red paprika paste
piskóta: sponge cake
pisztácia: pistachio
pisztráng: trout
pite: pie
pogácsa: savory, buttery scones/biscuits in a variety of flavors
pohár: glass; in terms of beer pohár refers to a 300 ml (10.1 ounces) glass of beer
polip: octopus
ponty: a variety of carp native to the Danube river system
ponty halászlé: carp fisherman’s soup
porcukor: powdered/confectioner’s/icing sugar
póréhagyma: leek
pörkölt: stew; the word also means roasted
portugieser: acclimatized red grape variety, formerly called kékoportó, and also known as blauer portugieser
Pozsonyi kifli: small crescents filled with walnuts or poppy seeds
prémium: uppermost category in the Villány appellation
presszókávé: another term for espresso
primőr: another word for újbor, the first wine released from the new harvest
puding: pudding
puliszka: cornmeal porridge (polenta)
pulyka: turkey
puncstorta: “punch cake”; a bright pink sponge cake studded with rum-soaked dried fruits and topped with pink frosting
püré: purée
püspökkenyér: “bishop’s bread”; a fruitcake-like loaf
puttony: a wooden tub that holds macerated botrytized grapes. The number of puttonyos a bottle of Tokaji wine has refers to the number of tubs of grapes added to the wine: the higher the number, the sweeter the wine.
rablóhús: “robber’s meat”; meat cooked on a skewer (also called saslik)
racka juh: a Hungarian indigenous breed of sheep; also called the Hortobágy Racka
rácponty: Serbian-style carp; a dish with layers of sliced potatoes, carp larded with smoked bacon, lecsó, and sour cream
ragu: ragout
rajnai rizling: The Hungarian name for the Rhine riesling grape
rák: any type of crustacean
Rákóczi-túrós: Rákóczi cheesecake, a layer of short crust topped with a curd-cheese mixture and a lattice of meringue and apricot jam
rakott: layered
rakott káposzta: see kolozsvári káposzta
rántás: roux
rántott: fried
rántotta: scrambled eggs
rántott borjúláb: breaded calf foot, served with tartar sauce and lemon
rántott csirke: fried chicken
rántott sajt: fried cheese
rántva: fried
rebarbara: rhubarb
reformkonyha: healthy food
reggeli: breakfast
repceméz: rape honey (also known as canola in English)
reszelt: grated
retek: radish
rétes: strudel
réti csiperke: meadow mushroom or field mushroom
ribizke: currant; also called ribizli
Rigó Jancsi: cake named for a Gypsy violinist who ran away with a Belgian baroness: squares of chocolate mousse sandwiched between layers of chocolate cake and glazed with chocolate
ringló: greengage; a type of sweet plum with light-green-colored flesh and red or greenish-yellow skin
rizibizi: rice with green peas
rizlingszilváni: Hungarian name for the müller-thurgau grape
rizs: rice
rizottó: risotto
ropogós: crispy
ropogós malacsült: crispy roasted suckling pig
rostélyos: braised steak
rostélyos filé: cube roll (beef)
röszti: potatoes grated then fried or browned in the oven
roston: grilled
rostonsült: grilled
rostos üdítő: fruit juice
rövid: a “short”; a shot of liquor
rozé: rosé
rozmaring: rosemary
rózsapaprika: “rose” paprika is medium coarse and tends to be very hot
rozskenyér: rye bread
rozssör: rye beer
rukkola: arugula/rocket
rumos kávé: espresso with rum
ruszli: pickled fish
Sacher-torta: created in Vienna by Franz Sacher, this firm two-layers chocolate cake is spread with apricot glaze, topped with chocolate glaze, and served with fresh whipped cream
sáfrány: saffron
sajt: cheese
sajtos pogácsa: pogácsa flavored with cheese
sajtos roló: a long round piece of pastry filled with cheese cream, with ends dipped in grated cheese
sajtos rúd: a savory cheese pastry
saláta: salad or lettuce
salottahagyma: shallot; also called sonkahagyma
sárgabarack: apricot; also called barack or kajszibarack
sárgaborsó: yellow pea
sárgadinnye: honeydew melon or cantaloupe; also called cukordinnye
sárga muskotály: Hungarian name for the yellow muscat/muscat lunel grape
sárgarépa: carrot
sárgarépatorta: carrot cake
sárga rókagomba: chanterelle mushroom
sárga tőkehal: whiting
saslik: meat cooked on skewers; also called rablóhús
savanyú: sour
savanyú káposzta: sauerkraut; often called Vecsési káposzta
savanyúság: pickled vegetables
savó: whey
séf: chef; also called szakács
selyemfűméz: milkweed/silkweed honey
serpenyős: skillet/frying pan; serpenyős refers to a skillet-cooked/pan-fried dish
sertés: pork; also disznó or disznóhús
sertésborda: pork chop
shiitake gomba: shiitake mushroom
siller: a wine that’s lighter than red but darker than rosé, with a winemaking process similar to rosé, but the grape skins aren’t removed and the fermentation process is longer. Siller has largely disappeared since it wasn’t recognized as an official type of wine during Communism; it’s low in alcohol and high in acidity.
Sissy-kávé: espresso with Sissy apricot cream liquor
snidling: chive; also called metélőhagyma
só: salt
sólet: cholent (a traditionally Jewish bean stew with additions like different types of smoked meats or boiled eggs)
som: European cornel (a species of dogwood that produces fruit); it’s used to flavor pálinka
Somló: Hungarian wine region
somlói galuska: chocolate and vanilla sponge cake with vanilla custard, raisins, walnuts, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream
sonka: ham
sonkahagyma: shallot; also called salottahagyma
Sopron: Hungarian wine region; also the name of a city in northwestern Hungary
sör: beer
sörfőzde: brewery; also called sörgyár or serfőzde
söröző: beer hall or a pub
sós: savory or salty
sóska: sorrel
sovány tej: skim milk
spárga: asparagus
spenót: spinach
sprotni: European sprat (similar to herring)
Stefánia-torta: sponge layers alternated with chocolate butter cream and dusted with cocoa powder
strucc: ostrich
süllő: young pike perch (fogas), which weighs between half a pound and two pounds; also called fogas süllő
sült: typically means roasted; can mean fried, as in sült burgonya (fried potatoes)
sült csülök: roasted knuckle of pork
sült szalonna: cooked bacon
sűrített tej: condensed milk
sütemény: cakes, pastries, and cookies
sütőpor: baking powder
sütőtök: squash or pumpkin, similar to butternut squash; also called tök
szakács: chef
szalámi: salami
szalonna: bacon
szalontüdő: lungs/lights; also called tüdő
számla: the bill
szamóca: wild strawberry
száraz: dry
szárazbab: dried bean
szárazkolbász: dried sausage (doesn’t have to be cooked)
szardella: anchovy
szardínia: sardines
szárnyas: poultry
szarvas: deer/venison; also called szarvashús
szarvasgomba: truffle
szeder: blackberry
szegedi halászlé: a variation of tiszai halászlé
szegfűbors: allspice
szegfűgomba: fairy ring mushroom
szegfűszeg: clove
székelykáposzta: a stew made with pork (or beef) and sauerkraut, seasoned with paprika, and flavored with sour cream; also called székelygulyás
Szekszárd: Hungarian wine region; also the name of a city in southern Hungary
szelet: slice
szendvics: sandwich
szénsavas: sparkling water (with gas)
szénsavmentes: still water (without gas)
szentjánoskenyér: carob
szépia: cuttlefish
szerecsendió: nutmeg
szeszes ital: distilled spirit of lower quality than true pálinka
szezámmag: sesame seed
szilva: plum
szilvás gombóc: dumplings made from potato dough, stuffed with plums, and coated in bread crumbs
szilvórium: a high-quality plum pálinka
szív: heart
szódavíz: soda water; traditionally called szikvíz
szójabab: soybean
szójaszósz: soy sauce
szőlő: grape
szörp: concentrated fruit syrup to mix with soda or water
sztrapacska: potato dumplings tossed in bacon drippings with sheep-curd cheese and bacon
szűretlen: unfiltered
szürkebarát: Hungarian name for the pinot gris grape
szürke marha: Hungarian Grey cattle, an indigenous breed that nearly died out
szűrt: filtered
szűz: tenderloin
tájbor: “country wine”; a low-grade table wine from a designated region
tarhonya: dried pasta (which looks like barley) made from a kneaded flour and egg dough
tarkabab: speckled, colorful shell beans known as cranberry/borlotti beans
tárkony: tarragon
tartármártás: tartar sauce; in Hungary it is mayonnaise with added sour cream
táska: “bag”; a filled pastry
tatár bifsztek: beefsteak tartare
tea: tea
teasütemény: small savory pastry
tehén: cow
tehéntej: cow milk
tehéntúró: cow-milk curd cheese
tej: milk; often sold in plastic bags in Hungary
tejberizs: rice pudding
tejcsokoládé: milk chocolate
tejeskávé: half espresso and half steamed milk
tejföl: sour cream
tejszín: cream
tekercs: a roll that looks something like a croissant, but is made with yeasty dough
téli fülőke: enokitake mushroom
téliszalámi: “winter salami”; a firm, mildly spiced salami made from finely chopped pork. It is a vibrant pinkish-red color and the skin is coated with a grayish white mould
tengeri csuka: hake
tengeri hal: saltwater fish
tepertő: cracklings, which are usually eaten with bread and red onions; also called töpörtyű
tepertős pogácsa: pogácsa flavored with cracklings
termelői bor: wine made by the wine grower
termelte: produced by…
természetes ásványvíz: natural mineral water
tészta: pasta; can also refer to dough or pastry
tintahal: squid
tiszai halászlé: the main characteristic of this halászlé recipe is that all ingredients are put in the pot at once, but there are many versions
tojás: egg
tojásfehérje: egg white
tojássárgája: egg yolk
tök: squash or pumpkin (marrow squash), also called sütőtök
tokaji aszú: wine made from select late-harvested botrytized grapes with concentrated levels of sugar; it’s measured in terms of sweetness from three to six puttonyos depending on how many tubs of aszú berries were used
tokaji aszúeszencia: wine made by adding eszencia to Tokaji aszú
tokaji eszencia: the thick syrup that results from the pressure of aszú berries pushing down on each othe. It has such a high sugar content that it ferments too slowly to achieve an alcohol level of more than a few percent.
Tokaj-Hegyalja: Hungarian wine region
tokaji szamorodni: Wine made from a mixture of partly botrytized grapes; can be dry or sweet and is similar to Spanish sherry
tokány: meat stew cooked in its own juices; vegetables can be added, and it can be thickened with sour cream
tőkehal: cod
tokhal: sturgeon
töki pompos: a thick piece of bread, spread with sour cream, cheese, onions, and chunks of bacon
tökmagolaj: pumpkin-seed oil
tölgy: oak
Tolna: Hungarian wine region
töltött: stuffed
töltött káposzta: stuffed cabbage, cooked with sauerkraut
töltött karalábé: stuffed kohlrabi
töltött paprika: stuffed peppers, cooked in tomato sauce
tonhal: tuna
tönköly buzadara: spelt
töpörtyű: cracklings; also called tepertő
töppedt szőlőből készült: produced with botrytized grapes
törkölypálinka: pálinka made from the residue left after pressing grapes (marc or pomace); the Hungarian version of grappa
torma: horseradish
torta: cake, usually refers to a layer cake
tramini: the Hungarian name for the gewürztraminer grape
trappista: a semi-soft neutral-tasting cheese made from pasteurized cow milk
Traubisoda: Hungarian white grape soda
trombitagomba: black chanterelle or black trumpet mushroom
tüdő: lung/lights; also called szalontüdő
tükörtojás: sunny-side-up eggs
tükörtojás sonkával: ham and eggs
túró: farmer’s cheese or curd cheese; often translated as cottage cheese, but bears no relation to the more liquidy cottage cheese found elsewhere
túrógombóc: curd-cheese dumplings coated with bread crumbs
Túró Rudi: a bar of sweetened curd cheese coated in chocolate
túrós csusza: pasta with curd cheese, sour cream, and bacon
túrós lepény: “cheese pie”; curd cheese filling sandwiched between two layers of short crust
túrós pogácsa: pogácsa flavored with curd cheese
túrótorta: cheesecake made with curd cheese, often thickened with gelatin, and usually with a cake-like crust
tyúk: hen; also tyúkhús
tyúkhúsleves: chicken soup
uborka: cucumber
üdítő: non-alcoholic beverage
UHT tej: milk that has been partially sterilized by ultra-high temperature (UHT) processing; commonly consumed in Europe, it doesn’t have to be refrigerated until opened and has a long shelf life
újbor: new wine
újburgonya: new potato
újfokhagyma: new garlic
újhagyma: spring onions
Újházy-tyúkhúsleves: hearty chicken and vegetable soup with pasta added
Unicum: bitter liquor made from more than 40 herbs and spices, distilled, and aged in oak casks for six months
üveg: bottle
üveges sör: bottled beer
vad: two meanings: game or wild
vadalma: a type of crab apple native to Central Europe
vadas módra: “hunter’s style” meat is served with game sauce or brown sauce; often with bread dumplings
vaddisznó: wild boar
vadhús: game
vadkacsa: wild duck
vadnyúl: wild rabbit
vadszárnyas: wild fowl
vagdalt hús: minced meat
vaj: butter
vajas burgonya: buttered potatoes
vajas pogácsa: pogácsa made with rich butter dough
válogatás: selection
vanília: vanilla
vaníliás cukor: vanilla sugar; sometimes labeled as vanillin
vargabéles: a cake made from a noodle and curd cheese filling cooked between layers of strudel dough
vargánya: porcini mushroom; sometimes called by its Latin name, boletus, or its French name, cèpe
vásárcsarnok: covered market hall
vasi pecsenye: pork cutlets soaked in milk and garlic before being dredged in paprika-laced flour and sautéed
vastag kolbász: thick sausage
vegetáriánus: vegetarian
vegyes: mixed
vegyes halászlé: “mixed fisherman’s soup” made from several types of fish
vegyes saláta: mixed salad
vegyes virágméz: mixed flower honey
velő: marrow or brains
velős csont: bone marrow
velő rántva: fried brains
velőrózsa: brains
vendéglő: restaurant
véres hurka: blood sausage/black pudding
vese: kidney
világos sör: pale ale
Villány-Siklós: Hungarian wine region
Villányi Védett Eredetű bor: origin-protected wine from Villány
vilmos körte: William’s pear/Bartlett pear
virsli: hot dog/frankfurter
víz: water
vörös: red
vörös áfonya: cranberry
vörösbor: red wine
vöröshagyma: onion
vörös káposzta: red cabbage
wels: wels catfish (Silurus glanis); a scale-less fresh water catfish, also called European catfish; in Hungarian catfish is called harcsa
zab: oat
zabpehely: oatmeal
zeller: celery or celery root
zellergyökér: celeriac/celery root
zengő: white hybrid grape variety
zenit: white hybrid grape variety
zéta: white hybrid grape variety; formerly called oremus
zeusz: white hybrid grape variety
zöldbab: green bean/French bean
zöldborsó: green pea
zöld citrom: lime
zöldhagyma: scallion/spring onion zöldség: vegetables
zöldszilváni: Hungarian name for the sylvaner grape
zöldveltelini: Hungarian name for grüner veltliner
zsálya: sage
zsázsa: cress; part of the mustard family with edible seedlings and leaves
zselatin: gelatin
zsemle: typical Hungarian round bread roll
zsemlegombóc: bread dumplings
zsemlemorzsa: bread crumb
zserbószelet: see Gerbeaud szelet
zsír: lard (or grease)
zsíros kenyér: bread spread with lard and sprinkled with paprika and sliced onions
zsírszalonna: unprocessed fatback, which is bright white (no meat streaks); used for cooking, baking, and making cracklings
zsírszegény: low fat
zúza: gizzard
zweigelt: a cross between the kékfrankos and St. Laurent grapes; one of the most widely planted red varieties in Austria, it’s also present in Hungary
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