Taste Hungary’s 100 Essentials List
3 minutes read
Essential Food, Wine, and Dining Experiences in Hungary
When in Hungary, be prepared to eat and drink … and then do it some more. To fully experience Hungary there are some food, drinks, and experiences that just cannot be missed. We have compiled what we think are the most essential (and tastiest) ones, and we hope you can check all of them off! This list is in no particular order, and will update it from time to time (as our cravings change). Many of Taste Hungary’s food and wine experiences also highlight the items on this list. What have we missed here? What are your Essential Hungarian food and wine experiences which should be on this list?
1. Lángos
2. Unicum
5. Pezsgő (Sparkling Wine)
6. Mangalica (Mangalitsa)
7. Nagy Vásárcsarnok (Central Market Hall)
8. Római Part (Romai Strand)
9. Picnics
10. Coffee: Historic Coffeehouses, Retro Eszpresszos, and 3rd Wave Coffee
11. Rétes (Strudel)
12. Nose To Tail Eating
14. Zsíros kenyér (“Fatty” Bread)
15. Szalonnasütés (Bacon Roasting)
16. Szódásüveg (Soda Syphons)
17. Michelin-Starred Restaurants
19. Dobos Torta
20. Pálinka
21. Túró Rudi
22. Jewish Cuisine
23. Velőscsont (Bone Marrow)
24. Tokaj
25. Indigenous Grape Varietals
26. Liba/Kacsa Máj (Foie Gras)
27. Kacsa (Duck) and Goose (Liba)
28. Szilvás Gombóc (Plum Dumplings)
29. Szörp (Fruit Syrup)
31. Étkezde (Lunch Rooms)
33. Fagylalt (Ice Cream)
34. Mák (Poppy Seeds)
35. Dió (Walnuts)
36. Húsleves (“Meat Soup”)
37. Hideg Gyümölcs Leves (Cold Fruit Soup)
38. Töltött Paprika & Töltött Káposzta (Stuffed Peppers & Stuffed Cabbage)
39. Palacsinta (Pancakes)
40. Furmint
41. Holiday Traditions
43. Disznótor (Pig Slaughter)
44. Drinking From Unmarked Plastic Bottles
45. Házi Barack & Szilva Lekvár (Homemade Apricot and Plum Jam)
47. Artisan Cheese
48. George Láng’s The Cuisine of Hungary
49. Lake Balaton: Corn on the Cob, Lángos, and Artisan Products
50. Craft Cocktails
51. Bogrács (Cauldron)
52. Savanyúság (Pickles)
53. Craft Beer
54. Tökmag (Pumpkin Seeds)
55. Fresh-Picked Fruit
57. Gomba (Mushrooms)
58. Halászlé (Fisherman’s Soup)
59. Házi Fánk (Homemade Donuts)
60. Krémes
62. Yeast-Raised Desserts
63. Flódni
64. Fried Food (with Homemade Tartar Sauce)
67. Etyek
68. Budapest’s Natural Springs
69. Bor Mámor Bénye
70. Budapest Wine Festival
71. Sólet (Cholent)
72. Lecsó
73. Maximilian
74. Rozé (Rosé)
75. Tokaji Esszencia
76. Rákóczi Túrós
77. Kürtöskalács (Chimney Cake)
78. Leves (Soup)
79. Seasonal Eating
80. Pogácsa
81. Red Wine from Southern Hungary
82. Sörözős and Borozós
83. Hungarian Breakfast
84. Kovászos Uborka (Fermented Cucumbers)
85. Tészta (Pasta)
86. Paprikás Csirke (Chicken Paprikás)
87. Lunch at a Butcher
88. Pork: Sausage, Bacon, and More
89. Főzelék
90. Zsír (Fat)
91. A Spájz (The Pantry)
92. Home-cooking
93. Túró (Curd Cheese)
94. Poncichter Ragu (Soproni Bean Stew)
95. Pörkölt (Stew)
96. Bodzalé (Elderflower Juice)
97. Wine from Somló
98. Téliszalámi (Winter Salami)
99. Gesztenyepüré (Chestnut Puree)
100. Sunday Lunch

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